Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bella Donna visits Oostenberg Oasis Women's Camp!


Hi all!  I was recently invited to do the Saturday session at my church’s women's camp, which was held at Anatoth, just outside Kuils River.  This being my first official Bella Donna event, I was a nervous wreck for a whole month after being asked!  I had two hours to fill – the question was, WITH WHAT??  We have so many wonderful subjects that we offer that is was close to impossible to settle on only a few.  The theme of the camp was “flying high like an eagle”, which also means upliftment of the body and soul, so I worked around this.  In the end I got a few favourites together and divided my presentation into two parts – upliftment of the body and upliftment of the mind and spirit.

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Since I’m a bit of a computer buff, I did a Powerpoint presentation to go with my chat.  Sounds pretty cool, huh?  Only thing is, I would have been LOST if hubby Herman didn’t happen to do the sound at the camp as well – my laptop and the screen wouldn’t listen to me!!!  Nothing worked when I’d set it up!  So he tweaked a bit here and adjusted there... and we had life!  Sooooo useful, these things called ‘men’.  Though I had to work in front of my screen instead of behind it due to cable restraints, I think it worked out well.


Some of my favourite subjects to talk about are ‘the many uses of a little black dress’, ‘different make-up styles with just 3 items’ and ‘what to always carry in your handbag’.  I challenged the ladies to bring their handbags and try to match me item for item – they actually did very well!  Some even trumped me!  My husband actually came up with a brilliant idea of what gift to give the ladies that would connect with this subject...  tiny little handbags made from my pamphlet, filled with a lip-gloss and a business card - see pic below.

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As an icebreaker in the middle, on BD’s Operational Manager Mandy’s suggestion, I had the ladies do facial exercises – we were in stitches!  Will definitely use those again.  My second half focussed on goal setting and personal growth, especially in your career.  I have a passion for this part, as I have a vision board with my dream for my future pasted on it, which I work towards every day.  I also found a motivational speaker on the internet called Marcus Buckingham, who has done 12 years’ worth of research on what successful women have in common – the results are very refreshing!  Do yourself a favour and go do his test here Markus Buckingham's Strong Life Test to find out what YOUR strengths are, then build your way to a brighter future on those strengths!

Keep on polishing!

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