Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry, merry Christmas!

With this year drawing to a close and everyone slowing down to a crawl, I thought it a good time to wish our Bellas a blessed Christmas.  May you be kept safe and rest well, as our 2011 seems to be a very busy one! 

I've also decided that next year, in spite of my hubby's MOST ARDENT objections, our Christmas tree will be pink.  Yes, you heard me - PINK!  Look, isn't it pretty?  I'm a Bella girl now, so pink is in.  Not that my eldest will object, she's been a pink fan for all of her 6 years.  We're both very exited about all the girly things we'll be doing soon and she's been practicing her model walk and dress-up every day.  Watch out world, Miss mini Bella Donna is on her way!

So, all that's left now is to relax (hopefully soon) and perhaps some last minute shopping... yes, shopping is good, always!  Miss mini is a perfect shopping partner, too.  I still have to buy my Bella Donna training kit, something that I am itching to do.  With our wide range of classes, this might be quite a mission, but after asking around a bit, I'm sure I'm on the right path to finding everything I need.  In pink... or black.  I need 15 hand mirrors and 15 makeup kits and 15 place settings and 15 vases and 15... o oh!  Hubby's eyes just went ROUND! Ha! Didn't think it was so complex, probably... hiehiehie! 

Jip, we're SERIOUS about our Bella girls and only the best will do for them.  They will have fun and learn wonderful things.  If we make a difference in their lives along the way, even better!  So once again, a merry Christmas to you all.  We are looking forward to seeing you at our classes in 2011!


Monday, December 13, 2010

Welcome to Bella Donna Finishing Classes!!

Bella Donna Finishing Classes was created around the concept of a traditional Swiss Finishing School. The lessons are fundamentally for high school / college girls, however customized lessons are available for corporate clients. 

Have fun participating in our fashion shows and enjoy organising entertainment evenings with your friends. Enjoy fun make up lessons and dance lessons... all the while developing your vibrant personality. Although the classes are great fun, they should be viewed as vital for any immerging girls in society to become well groomed and well balanced women.

Many of our lessons are presented by professional people including the following: Self-defense, First Aid, Dance, Style; Beauty Know How, Nutrition, Exercise, Handy man tips around the home and more.

What are you waiting for?  For a nominal monthly fee, you can change your future for the better!  Keep checking out this blog for more info on what we're up to!